Executive Director

The Bronx Defenders is an innovative, progressive, holistic defense organization in the South
Since its founding in 1997, The Bronx Defenders has pioneered a model of legal representation
known as holistic defense, which is designed to fight both the causes and the consequences of
criminal charges and other involvements in the court system. Our staff of lawyers and advocates
work on interdisciplinary teams made up of criminal defense, civil, immigration, and family
defense attorneys, as well as social workers, legal advocates, parent advocates, investigators, and
team administrators, all of whom work to provide holistic legal and social service advocacy to
clients. The Bronx Defenders is also home to a community organizing team and an impact
litigation practice, serving as a community resource and a force for systemic change. The Bronx
Defenders engages with clients, community residents, organizers, and policymakers as we seek
ways to better serve the Bronx community and enhance access to justice for all.
About the Opportunity to become Executive Director (ED)
Candidates should have a demonstrated commitment to public service and the mission, purpose,
and values of The Bronx Defenders.
Reporting to the Board, the ED is responsible for leading a community-based and nationally-
recognized nonprofit organization that provides innovative and integrated legal services to
around 35,000 Bronx residents each year. The ED will be supported by a team that includes a
Managing Director, a General Counsel, a COO (whom the ED will select from up to three
finalists identified by the Board), and development and communications professionals. The ED is
responsible for nurturing relationships with the Board, funders, local and national stakeholders,
and law firms.
The ideal candidate will possess proven organizational leadership skills; demonstrated
commitment to public service, public interest, or social justice and to the mission of the
organization; a track record of innovation and/or national thought leadership; excellent
interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills; and the ability to work in, value, and
sustain a collaborative team model.
The ideal candidate is likely to be a lawyer. He/she will be charged with developing a strategic
plan; engaging, informing, and collaborating with the Board; representing The Bronx Defenders
in the local and national media; and spearheading fundraising.
For Confidential Consideration
Kindly submit a cover letter and a resume to our search consultants: cc@machlowitz.com
The Bronx Defenders is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, committed to inclusive
hiring, and dedicated to diversity in its work and on its staff.
We strongly encourage candidates of all identities, experiences, orientations and communities
to apply.