Author: GVCCC

Own It! Program - Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for Transgender & Gender Expansive Individuals

GVCCC Member nglccNY Announces The Own It! Program is a virtual entrepreneurial intensive specifically designed to provide education, resources, and connections to new transgender & gender expansive (TGX) business owners and aspiring TGX entrepreneurs. 

Sessions for the program will be held on Zoom in September and October of 2024, covering topics such as developing a business plan, assessing your market, and more! We encourage you to share this opportunity with any new OR aspiring transgender & gender expansive entrepreneurs in your network. The application portal will close on Sunday, July 14 at 11:59PM PT. For any questions, contact

Logo that says Own it, with the transgender flag colors overlaid on the text. Reads: NGLCC, TD, & Destination Tomorrow | Own IT TGX Entrepreneur Capacity Building Program